$65.00 USD

Every month

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

I understand that I am participating at my own risk. I certify that I am healthy and able to participate in this program. I will let my coach know if I have any injuries or special circumstances. 

I will check with my doctor before starting this program if I have any chronic health conditions to make sure I am safe. 

If I need help with any of the exercises or need help with anything regarding the program, I will contact my coach. 

RAE ANNE MULLINS and RAM WELLNESS LLC is not held responsible for any injuries incurred during this program. 

Strength Membership

Join our secret strength membership today!

What you'll get:

  • 3 Awesome Workouts a Week 
  • An Experienced Trainer
  • Replays to over 35 weeks of workouts.
  • A FB Group to connect with your fellow members and ask your coach questions. 

 All workouts are done at your own risk. If you have injuries or health conditions, please contact Rae Anne first before purchasing to make sure it's appropriate for you to join.