Learn How to Balance Your Diet 

So You Can...

 FINALLY stop the dieting cycle and start feeling healthy and energized!


If you are a woman that is...

Sick and tired of losing and gaining back the same weight,
Feeling overwhelmed with all the conflicting information,
Don't want to give up carbs and,
Don't want to spend hours exercising, then keep reading...

You may be feeling like...

You're doing everything right, but you aren't seeing results!

You can't eat any less food and you are tired of being hungry.

You have followed all the diets; Weight Watchers, Keto, Paleo, etc... and still haven't figured out how to lose the extra weight.

 You want to eat REAL food and not have to rely on packaged diet food forever.

You can't do it after all of your failed attempts before.

How Do I Know That?

I'm not a mindreader, but I know how you're feeling because I have been in your shoes before. 

I personally dropped the dieting mindset and started practicing small, but mighty daily habits to lose 65 pounds and keep it off for over 19 years now! 

When I realized I didn't have to work so hard to see lasting results, I knew I had to help other women. 

Did you know?


The most insidious cause of obesity and weight gain is dieting? It's true! Your metabolism views dieting as starvation and will fight to recoup energy which only makes it harder to lose fat. 

95% of people who lose weight on the standard eat less, move more advice, end up gaining it all back within one year.

66% of those people actually gain even more weight than they lost.

97% of those people end up gaining it all back within 2 years.

100% of those people end up gaining it back in 3 years.

What if I could show you another way?

One where you don't have to starve and avoid your favorite foods?

If you're feeling confused, frustrated, overwhelmed and just not sure where to start, I can show you how to...


Stop STRUGGLING and start LIVING a Balanced, Fit, and FREE lifestyle!


Are you ready??

Grab Your Lifetime Access Now: $297

Hi! I'm Rae Anne

In 2003 I decided I was worth more than the usual crash dieting and over-exercising that I was used to. I was overweight, tired, depressed and at my all-time low. I knew I had to change my diet, but I just didn't know how. I had tried all the diets, I had tried all the exercise programs and I still had this extra weight on my body and on my mind.

That's when I decided I had to do something different. I couldn't expect different results with the same old actions. 

Every time I dropped calories and started to see progress, I would hit a plateau and then regain the little bit of weight I had lost. 

I felt like I was constantly beating my head against a wall! 

I had to be smarter and I had to be kinder to my body.

That's when everything changed and I'll never look back!

I can show you how to create change that will last with my -Week program that takes you step by step through the most important aspects of lifestyle and body change.

I have taken out all the guesswork and confusion by creating simple weekly tasks that build upon each other. 

And I'll be there to support and guide you every step of the way.

You don't have to follow cookie-cutter diets or programs anymore!

You CAN confidently create your own unique plan based on your own preferences and body needs. I can show you how.

Get Started Now $297

It's really not your fault that you have struggled and here is why...


You are not meant to spend your entire life eating less and exercising more; this can damage your metabolism and make you lose hope. I can show you how to stop this thinking!

Restriction and hardcore thinking is everywhere in the media, but I can show you that restriction is completely different than nourishing your mind and body. 

Pushing your body every day to burn more calories and to burn off your food and fat is not going to work long-term. I can show you a better, more efficient way to exercise.

Eating like your favorite Instagram influencer may not be appropriate for you. I can show you how to listen to your body and create a plan that suits your metabolism!

You've been taught that once you hit menopause or a certain age, you are a lost cause. It's not true, I can help you work with your hormones to release excess fat, tone up, and feel great!

You feel like you have to give up your favorite foods and that can mean giving up social time with friends. I will show you that enjoying your food is critical to success and so is a social life.

The promise of losing weight fast is everywhere. I will show you that fast weight loss is not always as great as it sounds. I will teach you how to lose weight and fat (if that's your goal) in a sustainable way that won't damage your metabolism.

This is Why I Created the Balance Method!

See Below for More Information!


This is for you if you desire:


 Spending less time fighting your cravings and hunger.

 More energy to have fun with your family or friends.

 Fitting into your favorite pair of jeans that are in the back of your closet. 

 Eating food that you actually enjoy and not having to eat like a bird.

 Being able to go out to a restaurant and not worry about what to order.

 Enjoying birthday cake or a glass of wine without guilt.

 More confidence and a better relationship with your body.

 To feel sexier in your own skin with or without clothes on. 


This is for you if you are DONE with: 


 DONE Chasing after the latest dieting trends and promises for weight loss.

 DONE Constantly starting over on Monday morning only to "fail" again by Friday.

 DONE Feeling guilty about not exercising enough or not eating the "right" foods.

 DONE with the constant food battles in your mind. 

 DONE Feeling hopeless like you'll never reach your goals. 

 DONE Feeling alone and isolated in a world full of confusing and conflicting information.


This is for you if you are ready to learn:


 How to quit the dieting game and start nourishing your body the way it deserves and craves.

 How to eat REAL food that is full of nutrients and flavor.

 How to create an adaptable and efficient metabolism with simple and doable daily actions. 

 How to get rid of your nagging cravings and learn how to keep them away for good.

 How to incorporate your favorite treats without guilt or shame. 

 How to listen to your body and read the signals it's giving you. 


Are you Ready? Yes I am!

The Balance Method is NOT for you if...


You only care about being skinny.

You don't want to learn how to be gracious with yourself.

 You don't want to learn about your own body and needs.

 You enjoy counting calories and calculating your points or percentage of macros.

 You think you know everything about nutrition and fitness.

 You're not open minded to try a new way.


And it's ok! We all have our own desires and needs, but I really only want to work with women who are ready to open their minds and hearts to learning a different way. I only want to work with women who are willing to invest in their health and give up the toxic dieting environment. If that's you, then let's do it!


What You Will Learn in the Program:


In the Balanced Nutrition Method, we cover 3 Main Pillars of Success; Nutrition, Mindset, and Planning Ahead

Each week we have a focal point. Below are some of the module themes:

The Behavior Of Eating and the Power of Awareness

Nutrition: Protein Power, The Truth About Carbohydrates, Importance of Healthy Fats & Hydration

Planning & Prepping Ahead for Ease and Success

Sleep & Nighttime Routine

Stress Management Best Practices

Navigating Your Environment, Relationships, and Support System

Each module is easy to follow via the online program by yourself. 

Everyone learns differently and everyone has different goals, so take your own time with each new habit.

What People Have to Say About Working

with Coach Rae Anne

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