Boost Energy & Strength!

Join Coach Rae Anne for A Home Strength Training Program

 February 12 - March 22

7:00am ET on Zoom Mon/Wed/Fri

Coach Rae Anne Mullins 

Why Strength Train?

Strength training is one of the BEST exercises to slow the aging process!

Increased muscle mass and strength help improve our hormone balance, reduce hunger, reduce cravings, improve balance, improve quality of sleep and so much more!

AND when done correctly, it's a great way to strengthen your body without over-stressing it. This is great news if you too suffer from autoimmune disorders!

Strength training increases your self-confidence and makes you feel empowered! 

It will help you improve your overall metabolism and will help you get and stay consistent with effective exercise.

Who is this program for?

Anyone looking to start a strength program at home.

Anyone who desires accountability and support. 

Anyone with Hashimoto's or Hypothyroidism. These workouts are created to support your immune system, not stress it out more. 

Anyone who wants to feel confident and strong

Anyone that wants to have a community to check in with when you're feeling down or a community to celebrate with when you're seeing new muscles!


The Details:

We will meet LIVE 3 days a week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 7am ET on Zoom to work on building strength and tone. If you cannot attend the live session, there will be a replay available!

(We will not meet on holidays and will occasionally not meet live in emergencies or special situations)

This program DOES NOT include Cardio.

You need to come warmed up BEFORE we start. I recommend getting warmed up for at least 5 minutes before we start the strength workout. We will spend our time together getting to the meat of the workout. 

The sessions will be 30 minutes or less in length depending on the workout. 

What you need: 

Dumbbells (5lb up to 30lbs) This depends on where you are starting. I will be using a variety of weights for myself starting with 12lbs going up to 30lbs. BUT you pick where you are starting. The goal is to get stronger so you need heavier weights!

We will also use a resistance band occasionally - so it's best to have one available. 

Stability Ball (optional) - this can be used as a bench, but there are some exercises we can do with it. If you do not have a ball, I will show other options.

  I promise if you show up and do the work consistently you will feel stronger and more confident! 

**If you are injured or have a medical condition, please contact me BEFORE joining so we can make sure it is appropriate for you. This program is to be done at your own risk. I will show you safe moves, but it's up to you to execute the moves correctly. I will have some visibility during the live workouts to help you, but I cannot see perfectly. 

What people are saying about the Home Workouts with Rae Anne...

6 Week Session Starts 2/12/24


Top features

  • LIVE Zoom Workouts 3 Day a Week
  • Replays to All Workouts
  • Private FB Group for accountability and coaching
  • Access to past workouts
  • Discounts on other programs and services with Rae Anne

About Rae Anne:

Rae Anne Mullins has been a certified Group Fitness and Personal Trainer for over 25 years. Rae Anne is also a Certified Nutrition Coach, Certified Thyroid Coach, and Indoor Cycling Instructor. She has helped transform thousands of women's body's and minds. 

Rae Anne has been symptom-free from Hashimoto's since taking charge of her condition. Strength training and walking is the go-to exercise schedule for Rae Anne.